Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder



Are ready to shed your excess weight AND your struggle with food and eating without diets and deprivation? This podcast is for foodies who have tried just about every diet there is and are afraid they love food too much to lose weight. You'll learn how to eat the way naturally thin people do so you can enjoy the foods you love while losing your desire to overeat along with your excess weight. We focus on skills for ending emotional eating and learning how to eat mindfully and in tune with your body's signals and needs. Ditch the diet and join Shari Broder on this weight loss journey and lose the weight for good. Hop on the path and subscribe now. Learn more at ShariBroder.com.


  • 9 Reasons Why I Teach What I Teach

    03/12/2019 Duración: 22min

    What’s the philosophy behind my approach to food, eating and weight? Why did I feel called to become a coach despite being very happy with my fascinating practice as an arbitrator and mediator?  You already know that there are thousands of diets out there. And by diets I mean regimens consisting of temporary approaches to changing how much and what you eat so that you can lose weight, usually as fast as possible.  There are also lots of approaches that claim to be non-diet, or lifestyle approaches. Most of those are also really diets, like Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Paleo, Keto and Intermittent Fasting.  So why am I so passionate about the Weight Loss for Foodies method? Why is it more effective than any of those options? Why can actually make you happier? Hint: it isn't because you'll lose weight. Listen to learn the nine reasons why I feel like an anti-diet evangelist for this program.   I’m going to be opening the doors to my Weight Loss for Foodies group program in early January, so if you want to b

  • How to Really Enjoy the Holidays Without Overeating

    26/11/2019 Duración: 15min

    It doesn’t matter whether you’re celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Kwanzaa, the New Year or any of the many celebrations this time of year.  You know there will be lots of food. ‘Tis the season for lots of food.  Do you associate certain foods with this time of year? Maybe it’s the only time of year you eat potato latkes or roast turkey with stuffing and gravy or pumpkin pie. Although the restrictive diet mind associates having an abundance of delicious, special food available for the holidays with overeating and feeling out of control around food, I can assure you don’t have to feel that way.  I actually enjoy the holidays even more since I stopped gorging myself every time! It’s so much easier to have fun when you don’t feel like the stuffed turkey! Yes, I used to routinely eat too much during the holidays. I know how you feel. I also know how you can change your mindset so that you don’t feel out of control and don’t overindulge.  LISTEN to learn how to navigate Thanksgiving and other

  • Why Some People Succeed While Others Do Not

    19/11/2019 Duración: 16min

    What’s the difference between people who succeed at losing weight and keeping it off, and those who don’t?  It isn’t giving up carbs or sugar. It isn’t fasting, cleanses or detoxes. It isn’t exercise. It isn’t willpower. It isn’t ANY diet.  Most people who lose weight think they lack motivation. But that’s not it. What the unsuccessful people really lack are the beliefs and the plan that will help them achieve their goal.  Listen below  to learn how to come up with a plan to help you establish great new habits that will stick so you can lose the weight and keep it off.

  • To Change Your Weight, Change Your Identity

    12/11/2019 Duración: 13min

    Does that sound like a strange topic for a podcast? Am I going to teach you how to transform from Clark Kent into Superman?  From Peter Parker into Spiderman?  Not THAT kind of identity change.  It’s about working with your subconscious mind to  create your subconscious identity as a person who is naturally slim.  You don’t have to wait until you lose weight to view yourself and act like someone who is naturally slim. In fact, your chances of success will be much greater if you start being that person right now.  You have to stop thinking of yourself as an overweight person who struggles to lose weight and develop an identity that will support your goals! So listen to learn how to change your subconscious brain, which is where your current identity resides, into one that matches that naturally slim person deep inside you!

  • Are You Sabotaging Yourself? It's Probably Your Subconscious Mind

    05/11/2019 Duración: 20min

    Do you ever think you want to end your battle with food and eating and your weight more than anything else in the world? But somehow you can’t stop yourself from overeating?  Despite your best intentions, do you eat too much at dinner, then munch out in front of the TV all evening?  Or decide that you’re only going to eat when you’re hungry, but when people bring food to share to work, you eat a bunch of junk because it’s there? Are you tired of getting in your own way?   It’s probably your subconscious mind at work.  In this episode, you’ll learn  about the role of your subconscious mind and how it can work against your efforts at weight management and other things in life. But don’t despair! Your brain is the most powerful tool you have, and you can learn how to use it to change your subconscious programming and consequently, change your results.   LISTEN to learn how to mine your subconscious beliefs, notice what role they’ve been playing in your life, and what you can do to get the results you want.

  • THE Question to Ask When You Want to Eat But Aren't Hungry

    29/10/2019 Duración: 14min

    Do you associate eating with hunger? Or do you eat for all kinds of other reasons?  The reason we feel hunger is because that is our body’s way of telling us it needs fuel. If we eat when we’re hungry and stop when lightly full, our body gets the amount of food it needs to be a healthy weight. When we do that, we can eat the foods we love without dieting or deprivation and not gain weight But most people don’t eat this way, and that has a lot to do with epidemic levels of overweight and obesity these days.  In our culture, we’re encouraged to eat when we aren't hungry and overeat by many sources, especially companies marketing their food products and family members.  If you want to stop eating for those non-hunger reasons, and stop obsessing over your food choices, I’ve got a simple way to do that.  There’s one question you need to ask yourself when you feel the urge to eat but aren’t hungry.  Listen to learn what that question is and how to apply it to your life.

  • How to Eat Well By Menu Planning

    22/10/2019 Duración: 13min

    I never anticipated doing a podcast on this topic.  My focus as a coach is on teaching foodies : HOW to eat: in tune with your body’s hunger and fullness signals, consciously, savoring your food; and  WHY you eat: when your body needs food, which is when you’re hungry, and not to avoid difficult emotions or dealing with our problems I don’t tell you WHAT to eat. That’s because that’s your body’s job. When you listen to it, your body tells you what to eat. Plus most of you already know about nutrition and want to eat a primarily healthy diet.  But a few listeners have asked how I plan my meals. Given that I want to help you develop a peaceful relationship with food and eating, eating well and enjoying your food is a big part of that. And decent meal planning can help. So here it is!  I try not to be one of those podcasters who spends the first 10 or 15 minutes of each episode talking about myself. You have better things to do with your time. But if you want to know how I plan my meals, you need to know somet

  • "That's Just the Way I am!" is a Big Lie

    15/10/2019 Duración: 14min

    Do you ever think or say to others, “That’s just the way I am”? Do you believe that you can’t change certain things about yourself or your life, even though it is holding you back?  Do you believe that certain characteristics or habits are just part of your personality, and that you have no ability to change? Are you afraid to try something new because  you might not be good at it? If that describes you, the good news is that you’re absolutely wrong! Being wrong can sometimes be a good thing. You see, “That’s just the way I am” is one of the biggest lies you can tell yourself.  It’s merely an excuse to avoid doing something that you CAN do, but  find hard. I want you to challenge that belief because it’s keeping you stuck in any number of ways, including being stuck in your old eating habits and at a weight that may not be healthy.  Listen to learn about the two mindsets people how, which one results in more success and happiness, and how to get that mindset so that you can achieve your goals. Carol Dweck, th

  • 6 Questions to Ask to End Emotional Eating

    08/10/2019 Duración: 14min

    Have you ever thought about the tiny number of things over which we have actual control? There are so many things in life that go on regardless of us “doing” anything to make them happen. Trees get leaves and plants grow. It rains. The leaves fall off. The earth turns on its axis.  Our bodies do amazing things every minute of every day without us having to direct them. Our hearts beat. We breathe. We don’t have to think, “time to release some gastrin so I have enough acid in my stomach to digest my lunch!”  Yet we waste a lot of energy trying to control the things that we can’t. Like our partner’s behavior, or what other people think and do. Then we allow our inability to control these things make us miserable. The flip side is that we don’t take control over the things in our lives that are within our control!  As a weight loss coach, I see how this seriously interferes with our ability to lose weight and keep it off.  It’s because instead of controlling something that is within our control--how we think--we

  • Don't Postpone Living Until You're Thinner

    01/10/2019 Duración: 15min

    Have you chosen to “sit out” doing the things you want to do until you’ve lost weight? Skipped a big event or a day at the beach because you don’t look the way you think you should? Why? What do you think will be different when you reach your weight goal? When I ask my clients these questions, they say things like:  I’ll be happier.  I’ll be able to go to the beach.  I’ll be able to buy clothes I love.   I’ll have more self-confidence.   Really? I wonder. I ask them questions like: Why can’t you be happier now? Why can’t you go to the beach now?                                           Why can’t you buy clothes you love now?   Why can’t you have more self-confidence now? There really is no reason why you can’t have all of those things now, regardless of your current weight.  Putting off living until you lose the weight is actually approaching it backwards. Listen to learn how you can change your mindset and live your best life NOW to make losing weight easier.

  • Why Working Too Much Can Cause Weight Gain

    24/09/2019 Duración: 11min

    Are you spending so much time working in your job that it interferes with your ability to take proper care of yourself? Do you mindlessly gobble down lunch at your desk? Does regular exercise fall to the bottom of your “to do” list because it can’t compete with your overbooked work schedule?  I get it. I’ve practiced law, a profession famous for overworking. In my four years in a high pressure firm, I became a compulsive overeater to deal with the stress, and I gained 40 pounds!  You can definitely work too much, and it can have consequences for your health, including causing you to gain more weight. Listen to learn how your employment may be contributing to weight gain and what you can do about it.

  • How Stress Affects Your Weight

    17/09/2019 Duración: 13min

    Do you feel stressed out often? Although we hear a lot about stress in the media, many people overlook the effect that it has, not only on their overall health, but on their weight, too.   Stress management is as important a part of becoming healthy and dropping those extra pounds as changing your eating habits is. Maybe you’re thinking, whaaaat? How does sitting around meditating and not burning calories help me lose weight?   Different stressful life experiences have different effects on us. Sometimes, stress can cause people to lose their appetite. Other times, it can trigger the urge to eat to soothe yourself and avoid those uncomfortable emotions. Listen to learn why stress makes it easier to gain weight and harder to lose it, and what you can do to reduce the effects of stress in your life. And grab a copy of the Stress Reduction Resources Think Sheet, too!

  • Why Listening to Your Body is Essential

    10/09/2019 Duración: 19min

    It is more important to listen to your body and allow it’s messages to take the lead when it comes to when, what and how much you eat than it is to be at your goal weight.   Does that surprise you?  In our society, there isn’t much emphasis placed on listening to our bodies. The emphasis is on immediate gratification. That’s why obesity is at epidemic proportions. One of the reasons why I believe in the primacy of listening to your body is that being at your goal weight doesn’t necessarily make you happy.  But when you inhabit your body and use its messages for guidance, you achieve happiness and balance in your life.  Isn’t that the point? If your body isn’t happy, you won’t be either.  Listen to learn about your relationship with your body and why it should be your closest advisor regarding what it needs and what you need.   If you want to learn how to listen to your body and eat consciously, grab my free 30 days of Conscious Eating Calendar at the link on my website.

  • It Probably Isn't Your Genes

    03/09/2019 Duración: 15min

    Have you been assuming that the reason you can’t lose weight is because being overweight runs in your family?  Is almost everyone in your family overweight?  Do you believe that genetics are causing your weight problem? Research on families and obesity has shown that children of overweight parents have a whopping 80 percent chance of being overweight themselves, but that genetics plays a very small part in that determination.   What seems to matter most is your family environment. So while you probably can’t blame your parents for giving you “bad genes,” they may have taught you bad eating habits. Or created an unfavorable eating culture.  Family dynamics and home environment have a much larger effect on weight than genetics. MUCH larger. That doesn’t mean that you didn’t inherit genes that put you at a higher risk for obesity. Maybe you did, but it also doesn’t mean that being an unhealthy weight is your destiny. You aren’t destined to have your mother’s body! You can overcome any genetic predisposition by c

  • 5 Reasons to Eat Slowly

    20/08/2019 Duración: 08min

    You’re a foodie, and you really love food, right?   But do you rush through your meals, or give yourself time to enjoy them? One of the simplest steps you can take to improve your health and well being, and shed some extra weight is to slow down. Yes, eating slowly improves your health.  Eating fast is a habit. Like any habit, you can change it. Listen to learn the reasons why you should choose to become a slow eater, and how to become one! For more tips on how to live and eat the naturally slim way, grab my free 8 Secrets for Permanent Weight Loss at the link under Free Resources on my website.

  • Using Planning and Visualization to Prevent Overeating

    13/08/2019 Duración: 16min

    Is it hard for you to avoid overeating at parties? On vacations? Or other special events? Are those the kinds of things that throw you off track, then you have trouble getting back on your weight loss path? I have a very simple strategy for you to use so you can navigate any eating situation without overeating.  Planning ahead and visualization. There are a few different approaches to planning ahead, and not all of them are suitable for foodies. Some are overly rigid, and require you to ignore your body’s messages. My approach doesn’t do that. Listen below to learn how you can use planning ahead and visualization to have a peaceful relationship with food and eating while also navigating previously challenging situations with grace and finesse!  For more strategies for eating what you love while shedding your extra weight, head over to my website, ShariBroder.com, and grab your copy of 8 Secrets for Permanent Weight Loss.

  • When Does Healthy Eating Become Unhealthy?

    06/08/2019 Duración: 17min

    If you want to be healthy, then eating healthy is important. That’s not rocket science.  And who doesn’t want to be healthy?  But can you go overboard? Can healthy eating or so-called “clean eating” become an obsession that is actually unhealthy? The answer is yes. You CAN take healthy eating to an extreme.  There’s even a name for it: Orthorexia. What is orthorexia and why is it important to recognize the symptoms? Listen to learn more about this unhealthy obsession with eating “clean” and healthy food, and how, rather than making someone healthier, it can actually have the opposite effect. Head over to my website, sharibroder.com, for lots of free resources (it’s one of the menus in the header and there’s a link in the show notes), including 8 Secrets for Permanent Weight Loss, a 30 Days of Conscious Eating Calendar, Podcast Think Sheets, and more!

  • Women and Body Image

    30/07/2019 Duración: 18min

    Do you hate the way you look?  Do you wonder how you could ever feel okay about your body?  If you’re middle-aged or older, do you worry about your wrinkles and the effect gravity is having on your body? In my opinion, women spend way too much of their time and energy focusing on that one small aspect of ourselves: our appearance. Almost all of us are guilty. There is so much more to you than the way you look!  Yes, I coach people about how to permanently lose weight, but I believe that having a healthy relationship with food and eating and being healthy are so much more important than the size of your body or what you look like.  But sadly, throughout history, women’s appearance has been given way too much weight in determining our value.  Despite the feminist movement, the situation is getting worse. According to Dr. Nancy Etcoff at Harvard Medical School, the latest research shows that low body image in women is a global issue of epidemic proportions.  When we spend so much of our time and energy worrying

  • What's the Best Way to Lose Weight?

    23/07/2019 Duración: 27min

    What’s the very best way to lose weight?  There are tons of diets out there, each one clamoring for your attention and maybe your money.  But do any of them work?  When I say “work,” I mean they do more than just produce temporary weight loss. Lots of diets, if someone stays on them long enough, will produce temporary weight loss. So when I say “work,”  I mean that if you follow the program, you can not only lose weight, but actually keep it off without wasting a ton of your precious energy and mental real estate fretting about food and eating. That means it must teach you how to eat in a sustainable way, and help you heal your relationship with food and eating.  Listen to learn what characteristics are necessary in a weight loss program for it to be sustainable so that you drop the extra weight and don't gain it back. I hope to see you at my free workshop, Make Peace with Food, Eat What You Love, and Drop the Weight for Good  on July 24th! You’ll get lots of useful tips you can start implementing now. Sign u

  • What is Attuned Eating and How is it Different from Diets?

    16/07/2019 Duración: 14min

    This week, we’re comparing and contrasting the components of diets versus the Weight Loss for Foodies (WLFF) approach, which I also call attuned eating.  Here is a brief comparison of some of the differences: DIETS               WLFF External rules    Internal wisdom Rigid                 Flexible Deprivation        Satisfaction Guilt                  Pleasure Fear                  Trust Shame              Compassion Judgment          Acceptance Oppression        Freedom In Control          In Charge  Listen to this week’s podcast to learn the specifics. Which approach sounds better to you? If you want to learn more, sign up for my free webinar about how to Make Peace with Food, Eat What You Love, and Drop the Weight for Good on July 24th by clicking here.

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