Weight Loss For Foodies Podcast | Ditch The Diet And Lose Weight With Shari Broder



Are ready to shed your excess weight AND your struggle with food and eating without diets and deprivation? This podcast is for foodies who have tried just about every diet there is and are afraid they love food too much to lose weight. You'll learn how to eat the way naturally thin people do so you can enjoy the foods you love while losing your desire to overeat along with your excess weight. We focus on skills for ending emotional eating and learning how to eat mindfully and in tune with your body's signals and needs. Ditch the diet and join Shari Broder on this weight loss journey and lose the weight for good. Hop on the path and subscribe now. Learn more at ShariBroder.com.


  • The Joys of a Healthy Relationship with Food

    09/07/2019 Duración: 12min

    Which is more important to you, losing weight or developing a healthy relationship with food and eating?  For me, I resoundingly choose to have  a healthy relationship with food.  If you chose losing weight, perhaps you believe that once you drop that extra weight, all of your problems will be solved and you’ll live happily ever after. Sorry, that’s a fairy tale.  I’m not gonna lie. Losing a lot of weight feels great. But if you are still left with a dysfunctional relationship with food, a huge part of what you do every day will still be a struggle. Plus you’ll likely gain the weight back and all of your efforts will be for nothing. You see, you can lose weight, and be at your goal weight and still be overly obsessed with food. You can still be anxious about it, and waste a lot of your time and energy on it.  That’s how diet-thin people live, and frankly, it sucks. It’s also totally unnecessary. In today’s episode, I’ll discuss what a healthy relationship with food looks and feels like (SPOILER ALERT: it is t

  • Ask Yourself This Before Eating

    02/07/2019 Duración: 10min

    Do you eat on autopilot? Because it’s dinner time? Or lunch time? Or because you like the food that’s available? I used to eat for all kinds of reasons.  Sometimes, I even chose to eat because I was hungry.  But that usually wasn’t a consideration. Basically, I ate without thinking about WHY I was eating. What I didn’t realize was that the reason I was overweight and couldn’t lose it and keep it off, was because I wasn’t eating in response to my body’s need for food. You see, that’s exactly what your hunger is for: to tell you when your body needs fuel.  There is a key question to ask yourself before your start eating that will change your entire relationship with food! And it isn’t “Am I hungry?” although you should always ask yourself that. Listen to learn the key question and how it can set in motion the transformation you’ve been seeking.   If you want to become a more conscious eater, which will help you enjoy food more, overeat less, and lose weight, grab a copy of my free 30 Days of Conscious Eating Ca

  • How to Eat Chocolate (or any foods you love)

    25/06/2019 Duración: 18min

    Are you someone who believes you can’t allow yourself to eat certain foods? Can’t have them in the house or you’ll devour them immediately? Can’t trust yourself around cookies? Chips? Chocolate? I get it. I used to be that way before I ditched my lists of foods I “shouldn’t” eat. I always ended up eating those foods anyway. Don’t you? Because I knew they were forbidden, I would wolf them down, like if I ate them fast without paying attention, I wasn’t really eating them. It was so unsatisfying and sad because I had all of that food in my body, yet I barely tasted it, let alone enjoyed it. All I felt was uncomfortable afterwards. And maybe guilty and mad at myself for eating like a pig. I no longer have “forbidden foods,” and I no longer overeat. I can have any of my previously forbidden foods in the house and even forget they’re there. The good news is that you can too! You can change your relationship with food and eating so that you can eat the foods you love without overeating. You can take the power back

  • Honoring Your Cyclical Appetite

    18/06/2019 Duración: 13min

    It’s not your imagination. If you are a woman under the age of 50, chances are that for a few days before your menstrual period, you get food cravings. Your hunger increases. Maybe you even feel like you can’t stop eating. Then your period comes and the powerful appetite recedes. Yup, it’s hormonal. It’s normal. It’s nothing to fret or be concerned about. What’s going on that causes changes in hunger and cravings for women during their menstrual cycle?   Should you be worried about this increased appetite and its effect on your weight management efforts? How about those cravings for chocolate and other pleasure foods? Listen to learn about how your hormones affect your appetite and energy during the different phases of your menstrual cycle, and how to approach this in a healthy way.

  • Menopause, Weight, and Body Changes

    11/06/2019 Duración: 20min

    Women’s bodies change throughout our lives. We go through puberty, pregnancy and childbirth, perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause. Our bodies have a brilliant, miraculous system through which they continually adapt to our changing needs. Despite how amazing our bodies are, too many of us hate ours. For some people, those feelings increase as we age.   Do you hate the way your belly or butt or face looks? Are those really your feelings, or are they the result of millions of messages you’ve heard throughout your lifetime with other people’s ideas about the way you’re supposed to look? What changes occur to our bodies in midlife and beyond? Which ones are normal and outside our control, and which ones aren’t? Listen to learn all about these changes, and how you can age in a healthy way, including how to have a positive attitude about yourself. How can you dump those idiotic messages that bombard us with impossible expectations, and learn to accept, appreciate, admire and love the body you have as it is rig

  • Guided Urge Surfing Meditation

    04/06/2019 Duración: 07min

    Do you struggle with the urge to eat when you aren't hungry? Urge Surfing is a way of being with those urges without acting on them or resisting them. In last week’s episode, I introduced the practice of urge surfing. Managing those urges to eat is a key skill to have in your tool kit if you want to eat what you love and lose weight without dieting. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, make sure you do before listening to this one. Urge surfing is a great way to allow you to choose behaviors that bring you towards what you really want in life, rather than indulging in fleeting immediate gratification. This week’s episode is a guided urge surfing meditation. Download this episode and use it when you have the urge to eat but aren’t hungry. Do this in a comfortable place where you can relax. And don’t forget to grab the Think Sheet for this episode that will walk you through the urge surfing process.

  • Let's Go Urge Surfing!

    28/05/2019 Duración: 18min

    Do you get the urge to eat out of habit? Like munching crunchy snacks while watching TV? Or eating your kid’s leftovers when you aren’t hungry? Or maybe you grab candy out of a candy bowl as you walk by. If you’ve struggled with your weight, chances are that you’ve been indulging your urges to eat when you aren’t hungry. And when you eat but aren’t hungry, your body stores that energy as fat. You keep gaining weight. Or you can't lose it. I’m excited to introduce a great mindfulness tool that can help you deal with those urges! It’s called “urge surfing.” The great mindfulness teacher Jon Kabat-Zinn very wisely said, “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” Life is full of waves, and learning how to surf them can help you manage your urges and lose the weight for good. It’s not about resistance. If you’ve watched Star Trek, you know that “Resistance is Futile.” When it comes to urges, resistance is not only futile, but it can actually makes your urges worse. Listen to learn about how urges work

  • Can You Be Body Positive and Want to Lose Weight?

    21/05/2019 Duración: 18min

    Does being “body positive” mean that you can’t want to change your body? Does promoting a healthy, sane approach to food and eating, which may also involve weight loss, fly in the face of body positivity? What really is body positivity anyway? Your worth as a human being has absolutely ZERO to do with how much you weigh and what your body looks like. Loving your body and appreciating all is does for you is something everyone must do if you want to be truly happy and confident, regardless of your size. If you go through life being dissatisfied with your body, or worse, hating it, either because you don’t meet other people’s standards or your own, you will suffer. That’s no way to live. Loving and appreciating your body and wanting it to be healthier or lighter aren’t mutually exclusive. There is also nothing wrong with trying to be your healthiest or losing weight to look the way YOU want to, rather than how someone else thinks you should look. Listen to learn what body positivity means and the importance of a

  • How to Stop Believing Your Stories and Get Results

    14/05/2019 Duración: 16min

    If you want to make peace with food and eating, and drop your extra weight, you need to stop believing the negative stories you’ve been telling yourself about food, eating and your weight. We all have these painful stories. Stories that keep us stuck. Yet most of us don’t realize that they’re only stories. We treat them like they’re the truth. What do I mean? Here are some stories people have shared with me: I can’t stop eating while I’m cooking (or cleaning up after) dinner. I can’t lose weight because I’ve tried and failed a million times. If I let myself have cookies in the house, I’ll eat them all at once. I’m addicted to . . . (whatever) You can prevent these old stories from controlling your life now. It’s time to stop giving these stories power over you. You can’t change as long as you believe them. LISTEN to learn the four steps to stop believing your painful stories so you can make positive changes and have the life and body that you deserve!

  • 8 Reasons Why You Aren't Losing Weight

    07/05/2019 Duración: 17min

    Every year, 45 million people in the United States alone start a new diet. They spend $33 billion on diet products. $33 billion down the drain because 95-97% of them will fail. Meanwhile, the number of people who are overweight or obese is at an all-time high and continues to grow. That’s because almost everyone who tries to shed their extra weight approaches the process the wrong way. Don’t despair! Permanent weight loss is possible! I’ve done it. My clients have done it. But to succeed, you have to forget the model you’ve used for your whole life. Abandon it. What have you got to lose? It hasn’t worked, right? Listen to learn the 8 things that may be tripping you up and what you can do to succeed.

  • How to Really Commit to Your Goals and Get Results

    02/05/2019 Duración: 23min

    “Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.” ― Paulo Coelho You think you want to shed some weight REALLY badly. You’ve tried many times. But you haven’t succeeded. Or maybe you’ve lost weight only to regain it. How many times have you thought these things: “I’ll start again on Monday!” “I just can’t lose weight!” “It must be  my metabolism.” “I just have no willpower.” “I haven’t found the right diet yet.” All of those thoughts are totally off base. The reason you haven’t lost weight and kept it off is likely because: You keep going on diets, and diets do not produce permanent weight loss You haven’t fully committed to your goal. You haven’t found your compelling reason for dropping the weight. Listen to learn the steps you need to take to be fully committed to your effort to shed your extra weight. If you’re ready to learn how to break your emotional eating habit--learning

  • Why Losing Weight for a Big Event is the Wrong Approach

    23/04/2019 Duración: 14min

    Have you ever decided to lose weight because a big event was coming? You’re getting married. Your high school reunion is a few months away. You’re going to the Caribbean or the beach and can’t avoid putting on a swimsuit. You want to look your best, so you decide something like, “I need to lose 20 pounds--FAST!” Then you start some kind of quick-fix diet. You know, like the ones you’ve tried a million times before that haven’t worked. Maybe you think, “I’ll just cut out carbs for the next few months! I can do that!” Or “I’ll do Whole 30!” Losing weight for a big event is a lousy motivator, though, and that’s why it rarely works. Why waste your time and energy losing weight temporarily, especially when yo-yo dieting is unhealthy? Listen to learn the importance of motivation and commitment in your weight loss effort, and how to get motivated to succeed over the long term.

  • Are You Losing Weight at the Expense of Your Health?

    16/04/2019 Duración: 26min

    Years ago, there was a skit on Saturday Night Live called "Fernando's Hideaway." Fernando's motto was, "It's better to look good than to feel good." It seems like that must be the motto of the many people going on diets like Keto and other unbalanced plans. Every week, I read something about the dangers of the most popular fad diets. Every week, I read something about the dangers of the most popular fad diets. Following the recording of this podcast, the medical journal Lancet published a study that showed that 6 million people die each year from a diet that does not have adequate amounts of fruits and whole grains. Yet some popular fad diets require people to not eat ANY of those foods.  Why would anyone choose to endanger their health, including increase their risk of heart attack, to lose weight? Too many people are continuing to opt for what are being advertised as  “quick fixes” for weight loss. Maybe they don’t realize the dangers of certain fad diets. In this episode, I’m talking about the health risk

  • What Do You Think When You Look in the Mirror?

    09/04/2019 Duración: 22min

    When you look in the mirror, what do you think? Does it ever sounds like this? “I can’t wear that, I look so fat in it!” “Look at those cottage cheese thighs!” “Wow, where did all of those wrinkles and grey hairs comes from?” “I used to look so great when I was 20! What happened?” Except that at 20, you were just as critical of how you looked! When it comes to passing judgment about our appearance, is there any bigger critic than ourselves? It doesn’t have to be that way. While we can’t control what  other people think about how we look, and really should not care because that’s always about them, we CAN control how we think about our own appearance. As women, the unfortunate thing is that we are raised in a society that values our appearance above everything else and wants us to be obsessed with it. We get a  message from a very young age that it is very important to be pretty and slim. How much of your time do you spend obsessing about your weight and appearance? Have you set impossible standards for yourse

  • How to Enjoy a Buffet or Party Without Overeating

    02/04/2019 Duración: 17min

    You’re at a restaurant and there’s a buffet.  So many good things to eat! You love food and there are unlimited quantities.  Are you worried that you’ll eat too much? That used to be me.  My brain would think, “Free food! Lots of yummy stuff!” and I would eat too much just because it was there.  Then I’d feel gross. I’d be stuffed and uncomfortable. Usually gassy too. Why do we do this to ourselves? I’ll explain that in this episode, and tell you about a much better way. Because you CAN go to buffets and enjoy them without overeating or experiencing food FOMO. The problem is that first you have to shed your diet brain. Listen to learn the difference between how people using the Weight Loss for Foodies Abundance Mindset approach parties and buffets and how different it is from the scarcity diet mindset that you’ve probably had . . . until now!     I hope you’ll use these strategies and prove to yourself that you can go to any buffet or party and enjoy the food without overeating or gaining weight! LINKS: Episo

  • EP 57--Eight Best Ideas You Learned This Year, Part 2

    26/03/2019 Duración: 18min

    This episode celebrates the end of the first and the start of the second year  of the Weight Loss for Foodies podcast by completing a review of the eight best ideas from the podcast during the past year. In today’s episode, we’ll discuss four more super important ideas to implement if you want to become your healthy weight or stay there while living a wonderful,  fun life that doesn’t involve diets or senseless deprivation. Here they are:   Learn how to manage your emotions instead of avoiding them by eating Discover other pleasures in life that don’t involve eating Question your beliefs Quiet your inner critic and love yourself as you are right now   I hope you find this review helpful. If you have ideas for podcast topics, send me an email at lifecoach@sharibroder.com. Have a great week!

  • Eight Best Ideas You Learned This Year, Part 1

    19/03/2019 Duración: 20min

    It’s the Weight Loss for Foodies podcast’s one year anniversary! I started this podcast because I struggled with eating and my weight for most of my life. When I discovered how to lose weight and keep it off without dieting  (with the help of my weight coaches), and made peace with eating, I became passionate about spreading the word to anyone who was interested in learning. I’ve heard back from many listeners who have jumped off the diet hamster wheel and learn to eat mindfully, stop emotional eating and lose weight. To celebrate, I decided  to review the eight most important concepts that we covered during the past year. In the interest of keeping each episode relatively short, I’ll cover four concepts this week and four in Episode 57. In this episode, I discuss: Stop dieting and cultivate an abundance mindset. Eat in accordance with the Hunger Scale                       Eat consciously and slowly, savoring every bite Eat the foods you really enjoy--no forbidden foods! So celebrate with me, listen and ke

  • Is Inadequate Sleep Hindering Your Weight Loss Efforts?

    12/03/2019 Duración: 12min

    Do you have some days when you feel hungry all day, no matter how much you eat? That might be because you haven’t been getting enough sleep. What does the amount of sleep have to do with your weight? Lack of sleep is one of the most common risk factors for obesity. Not sleeping enough can hinder your weight loss efforts. Research has linked insufficient sleep to weight gain. People who normally sleep fewer than six hours per night are much more likely to be overweight.  Women who are sleep-deprived are a third more likely to gain 33 pounds over the next 16 years than women who get seven hours of sleep per night. Thirty-three more pounds! And that’s based on amount of sleep alone. Listen to learn how inadequate sleep can undermine your weight loss efforts in five ways, and what you can do to sleep better.

  • EP. 54 - Should You Weigh Yourself?

    05/03/2019 Duración: 16min

    There isn’t much that incites fear in weight-conscious people like the bathroom scale! Do you avoid the scale like the plague? Or do weigh yourself obsessively? Have you moved the scale around your bathroom to see which location gives you the “best” weight? Do you let the number on the scale mean a lot about you as a person? Does getting a “bad number” ruin your mood for the morning? The whole day? The scale doesn’t know much about you. It has no idea how kind you are, how much love you give to others, how hard your work, or how strong your legs may be. The scale knows nothing about you as a person or how the important people in your life feel about you. The scale doesn’t measure any of those meaningful things. All the scale gives you is a number. It is how you choose to think about this number that causes your distress. The good news is that you can change how you think about that number. You can dump the conditioned response of evaluating your life through the filter of pounds lost or gained. You and your l

  • EP. 53: 11 Tips for Staying on Track

    26/02/2019 Duración: 20min

    You’re trying to lose weight. You’ve been down this road so many times before. Too many. But you aren’t ready to toss in the towel. How many times have you started a restrictive diet with the hope that this will finally be the secret sauce you need to reach your goal? I know, you’re all gung-ho at first. You stay on track for a few days or maybe even a week or two, or a month, but then your resolve wanes and suddenly you’re back to eating the way you did that caused you to gain weight in the first place. You really want this to be the last time. You’d love to finally lose the weight and not have to worry about it anymore. You’d like to put your time and energy into something besides dealing with your weight! How do you stay motivated? How do you get off what I call the diet hamster wheel for good? Listen to hear 11 tips for how to stay motivated and reach that goal! If you really want to stay on track and make this your final weight loss journey, join the Weight Loss for Foodies Group coaching program! Isn’t

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